Coen’s music

© Coen Striegel
bezoekers: 122635
       (some of) MY SONGS and lyrics

Coming home tonight. (partial home recording)

We gaan gewoon door (Despite some setbacks we just keep on going)

Wild Roosters (For Eilish O’Callaghan)

Blessings (Count your blessings. (Home recording))

Waterwolf (Nickname of the Haarlemmermeer, a former lake)

De Marskramer (Song about a pedlar in the Haarlemmermeer)

Paco's (Bar in Catalonia, where we liked to go to)

De Hellehond (The terrifying Hellhound from old folk-tales)

My Low Lands (A song about Holland)

Dancing Through The Years (Song for Brenda)

Slow Train (Lazy Sunday afternoon train-ride to Modena, Italy)

Drie Sleutels (Song written for Storytellers Festival)