| Coming home tonight. (partial home recording) |  |
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| We gaan gewoon door (Despite some setbacks we just keep on going) | |
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| Wild Roosters (For Eilish O’Callaghan) |  |
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| Blessings (Count your blessings. (Home recording)) | |
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| Waterwolf (Nickname of the Haarlemmermeer, a former lake) |  |
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| De Marskramer (Song about a pedlar in the Haarlemmermeer) | |
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| Paco's (Bar in Catalonia, where we liked to go to) | |
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| De Hellehond (The terrifying Hellhound from old folk-tales) | |
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| My Low Lands (A song about Holland) |  |
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| Dancing Through The Years (Song for Brenda) | |
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| Slow Train (Lazy Sunday afternoon train-ride to Modena, Italy) |  |
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| Drie Sleutels (Song written for Storytellers Festival) | |
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